
Two Toned Whetstone Fire Emblem

From Fire Emblem Wiki, your source on Fire Emblem information. By fans, for fans.

This article is virtually the monastery item of Fire Emblem: Three Houses. For the multiplayer element of the Nintendo DS games, see Whetstone (card).

Is ns01 gift.png
Icon of Whetstone from 3 Houses .

A stone used to sharpen the blades of swords or lances. Appreciated by those who enjoy weapon maintenance.



First game

Burn Emblem: Three Houses

Whetstone (Japanese: 刃物用の砥石 Knife whetstone) is a ★★ ranked monastery item that appears in Fire Emblem: Three Houses. It is a souvenir particularly appreciated past people who take cares of their weapons. Offering this item to Edelgard, Ferdinand, Caspar, Catherine, Balthus or Jeritza during a Gratis Twenty-four hour period in the Monastery will give twice the amount of support points with the character than normal and if the unit is already recruited, it will besides give twice the amount of movitation than normal.


Game Icon Uses Worth Effects and notes
3 Houses Is ns01 gift.png 1 300 Permanently increases Support by two points if given to Edelgard, Ferdinand, Caspar, Catherine, Balthus or Jeritza, doesn't increases support if given to Mercedes or Flayn, increases past 1 point when given to anyone else.


Three Houses

This listing may be incomplete.
Quest reward Chapter 3, Lost? Found! • Affiliate viii, Catherine'south Request or Shamir's Request
Market Place Eastern Merchant (×i per month)

Flavor text

Game Text
Iii Houses A stone used to acuminate the blades of swords or lances. Appreciated by those who relish weapon maintenance. 剣や槍などの刃を研ぐための石。

Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology and notes




Pocketknife whetstone


Piedra de afilar



Pierre à aiguiser






Pietra cote



날붙이용 숫돌

Pocketknife whetstone

Simplified Chinese


Knife whetstone

Traditional Chinese


Pocketknife whetstone



See also

Monastery Items in Burn Keepsake: 3 Houses
Gifts Ancient Coin • Anemone • Arithmetics Textbook • Armored Conduct Stuffy • Babe'south Breath • Bluish Cheese • Board Game • Book of Crest Designs • Book of Canvass Music • Carnation • Formalism Sword • Coffee Beans • Daffodil • Dapper Handkerchief • Exotic Spices • Fishing Float • Floral Adornment • Forget-me-nots • Gemstone Beads • Goddess Statuette • Hunting Dagger • Mural Painting • Lavender • Legends of Chivalry • Lily • Lily of the Valley • Monarch Studies Book • Owl Plume • Pitcher Plant • Riding Boots • Rose • Smoked Meat • Stylish Hair Clip • Sunflower • Tasty Baked Treat • Tea Leaves • The History of Fódlan • Training Weight • Violet • Watering Can • Whetstone
Produces Ailell Grass • Albinean Berries • Angelica • Boa Fruit • Cabbage • Carrot • Chickpeas • Dried Vegetables • Magdred Kirsch • Noa Fruit • Nordsalat • Onion • Peach Currant • Tomato • Turnip • Verona • Weeds • Zanado Fruit • Zanado Treasure Fruit
Baits Blowfly • Earthworm • Flayn's Bait • Herring Bait • Insect Larva • Swimming Snail • Tournament Bait
Fishes Airmid Goby • Airmid State highway • Albinean Herring • Bullhead • Caledonian Crayfish • Caledonian Gar • Carassius • Fódlandy • Goddess Messenger • Golden Fish • Platinum Fish • Queen Loach • Silverfish • Teutates Loach • Teutates Expressway • White Trout
Meats Albinean Moose • Duscur Bear • Oghma Wolverine • Poultry • Wild Game
Seeds Albinean Seeds Fruit • Angelica Seeds • Bluish Flower Seeds • Boa-Fruit Seeds • Dedue's Seeds • Eastern Fódlan Seeds • Green Flower Seeds • Mixed Fruit Seeds • Mixed Herb Seeds • Morfis Seeds • Morfis-Plum Seeds • Nordsalat Seeds • Northern Fódlan Seeds • Pale-Blue Flower Seeds • Purple Flower Seeds • Red Flower Seeds • Root Vegetable Seeds • Southern Fódlan Seeds • Vegetable Seeds • Western Fódlan Seeds • White Flower Seeds • Yellow Blossom Seeds
Tea Albinean Berry Alloy • Almond Alloy • Almyran Pine Needles • Angelica Tea • Bergamot • Chamomile • Cinnamon Blend • Crescent-Moon Tea • Dagda Fruit Alloy • 4-Spice Blend • Ginger Tea • Honeyed-Fruit Alloy • Hresvelg Blend • Lavender Blend • Leicester Cortania • Mint Leaves • Rose Petal Blend • Seiros Tea • Southern Fruit Blend • Sweet-Apple Blend
Ores Agarthium • Cabalistic Crystal • Black-Sand Steel • Mythril • Smithing Stone • Umbral Steel • Venomstone • Wootz Steel


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