
How To Bun Hair Easy

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Fact: My favorite await to stone in the summer when it's hot equally hell outside is a messy bun. I wore information technology all weekend long during the estrus wave—it's the perfect way for me to go my pilus off my neck and nonetheless look super cute. Some other fact: It literally took me forever to learn how to do a messy bun and nevertheless brand information technology look undone, yous know what I hateful? Seriously, though, why are the easiest hair looks the hardest to nail? I hateful, how do the girls on Instagram exercise it?

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Anyway, because I know I'm not on this struggle motorcoach alone, I did all the research for you (you're welcome). So no matter how long (or short) your pilus is or what type of texture you have, you, too, can learn how to practise a messy bun. Go along reading to pick up the tips and tricks to get the perfect messy bun for your hair type.

How to Do a Messy Bun With Thick Hair

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When you have a sh*t-ton of hair, information technology can be super stressful to figure out how to fit information technology all in a bun without your elastic snapping. Vlogger Blanca Cruz has the perfect hack— use three thick pilus elastics.

First, y'all're going to put your hair in a ponytail (don't use a castor because you don't desire information technology to look also perfect). Then, grab another rubberband and pretend like yous're doing some other ponytail, just instead, you lot're going to flip your hair over and apply the 2nd hair tie to secure the ends on height of your caput. Add together the third pilus tie to secure your bun, and voilà! A perfect messy bun. Spritz on some hairspray after to keep your expect in place.

How to Do a Messy Bun With Long Hair

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Before vlogger Rapunzel Rey fifty-fifty starts the messy-bun procedure, she adds a pump of hair oil to her ends to make sure they're moisturized. Considering no i wants their ends to await fried, even if they are in a bun. This tutorial as well ensures all your hair will actually fit into a messy bun, since, well, that's the whole point. All it takes is a high ponytail, a flip, a loop, and a twist to get the look. I know, it sounds like I simply described a ride at Six Flags, but for real, this tutorial is super easy and, like, the ultimate goal—it'll go you the messy bun of your dreams.

How to Practise a Messy Bun With Natural Pilus

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Idea you couldn't rock a messy bun with your natural curls? Think again. Vlogger Isimeme Edeko shows u.s.a. how it'south done. First things kickoff: First off with some leave-in conditioner to brand certain your hair is soft and hydrated. Just the key here is to brand sure that instead of using a regular hair tie, you're using a thin headband—information technology'll secure all your hair. Overall, this messy bun is the perfect style if y'all're transitioning to your natural hair or simply want to switch up your mean solar day-to-day look.

How to Practice a Messy Bun With Short Hair

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Yeah, you lot can put your hair up in a messy bun even if information technology's short, I promise. All y'all need to do is add together in texture to give your pilus more body to fill out the bun. Next, spray your hair with dry out shampoo, just like vlogger Katie Mulcahy does in this video. It will give your hair a chip of grit and hold. And so, throw it up into a high pony and backcomb your pilus (i.e., comb your hair in the opposite management than yous normally would). Then scrunch it up, secure your hair into a bun, and boom—a full, perfectly imperfect messy bun.

How to Practise a Messy Bun With Fine Pilus

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The cardinal to getting a messy bun with fine pilus is volume, volume, oh, and more volume. Spray a texturizing spray or salt spray onto dry out hair to give your pilus some texture. And later you put your pilus upwards in a ponytail, pull it out a flake before you put information technology up in a messy bun. Cue extra volume.

And in that location you lot get! Sentry the videos and get prepare to live your all-time bun life.

Ama Kwarteng was previously the associate beauty editor at Cosmopolitan.

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